Convert your memories before they are lost forever!

Analoge tapes, like VHS, deteriorate over time and once damaged are difficult to recover.

We can copy them to a digital file for storage on your computer, USB stick, or a cloud service like DropBox, where they won't deteriorate. Our VHS Conversion Tauranga Service makes saving your memories simple!

Copy your memories from their existing tape format to a digital file

Video files can be supplied to you on your own hard drive, or we can:

  • Uploaded to Dropbox for your download: $5/tape/disc.

  • Provide a USB stick ($20/64GB)

Other things to know:

  • *Please note that pricing excludes GST.

  • We are unable to transfer copyright material.

  • Volume pricing is available on request.

Place an order

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Thanks. We'll be in touch shortly!

Contact Us

VHS Conversion Tauranga Service

Phone: 0800 3456 48


Address: 18 Amy Place, Pyes Pa, Tauranga, 3112
(Please call to make an appointment).

VideoLife is a DVD and VHS Conversion Tauranga Service, operated by Creation Films Limited.


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